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BriteMED Technology Inc.
TEL: +886-2-86919498
FAX: +886-2-86919468
Upcoming Events: See you in MEDICARE TAIWAN 2015
BriteMED Technology Inc. BriteMED Technology Inc. BriteMED Technology Inc.
【See you in MEDICARE TAIWAN 2015 Booth A0730 】

歡迎蒞臨2015台灣國際醫療展覽會, Booth A0730與您相見

Taipei, Taiwan, June 18 - June 21, 2015 - PACSmate Technology Inc. sincerely invites you to visit our PACSmate booth of A0730 in Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1, from Thursday 18th to Sunday 21th June 2015. The show will open daily between 10:00 to 18:00.

PACSmate has been dedicated to medical industry for years and is focusing on providing the total solution for healthcare industry. Your visit to MEDICARE TAIWAN 2015, you will see our latest products. We also do have OEM and ODM service. Therefore, we encourage you to join this event and be an active participant in business discussion for further cooperation.

Mark your calendar now and make arrangement to visit us. We are looking forward to seeing you in MEDICARE TAIWAN 2015.

百視美歷年參加台北國際醫療展皆大受好評,當然今年也不例外,我們將在MEDICARE TAIWAN 2015 為期四天的2015台北國際醫療展覽會與大家見面,會場將展示一站購足的E化護理車整體解決方案,包含行動E化護理車、醫療級平板電腦以及醫療電池,讓您可現場體驗試用各項產品的性能.百視美研發這些產品以幫忙減輕醫護人員的工作量之外,更提供各大醫療院所之醫療資訊設備的銷售、服務、維護,歡迎相關產業人士以及採購人員蒞臨我們的攤位A0730參觀,解決您醫療資訊上的問題是我們的榮幸,更歡迎同業人員可以互相交流,進一步討論合作的機會,希冀一同創造醫療產業的新契機.百視美敬邀您的參與!


About PACSmate Technology Inc.
PACSmate Technology Inc., medical-focused company located in Taiwan, is devoted to serving health-care industry with reliable medical IT products. In the medical display category, PACSmate has developed both monochrome and color diagnostic displays. The market-leading patented technology, Grayboost®, enables simultaneous 12-bit grayscale images by general dual-link graphic card. Additionally, the PACSmate monitors were honored with "2008 Taiwan Excellence Award." As a member of the IEI Group, PACSmate benefit from the group's manufacturing expertise and operational efficiency to have a better opportunity as a top-rank medical-solution provider in Taiwan and overseas.