FAQ > Medical Monitor
How to adjust screen color?
Please follow the steps to adjust screen color (also refer to user manual "Table 4-1"p.32 for MMS-21 series; p.38 for MMS-27 series):
a. Select the "Image"  from OSD menu, and then press "Color Temp." to choose the setting of screen color (MMS-21 Series: 4500K, 5500K, 6500K, 7500K; MMS-27 Series: 5500K, 6500K, 7500K, 9300K)
b. Select the "Image"  from OSD menu, and then press "Color" to adjust color saturation (Range 0~100) to describe the intensity of color in the image (Video mode only.)
c. Select the "Image"  from OSD menu, and then press "Tint" to adjust color appearance parameters (Range 0~100) (Video mode only.)
d. Select the "Image"  from OSD menu, and then press “Red Gain” to adjust the gain of red (Range 0~100) individually.
e. Select the "Image"  from OSD menu, and then press "Green Gain" to adjust the gain of green (Range 0~100) individually.
f. Select the "Image"  from OSD menu, and then press "Blue Gain" to adjust the gain of blue (Range 0~100) individually.
